With so many diet plans out now, who knows which plan is the best. In fact, no one knows which plan will help you lose the most weight in the time you want. I have heard that the key is to find the plan that works for you and stick with it. How do you keep from going back to old habits after reaching your goal weight? Well, these questions are the reasons why I chose a Keto Diet for my weight loss journey.
Hi, I am Kady and in most people’s minds, I do not need to be on a diet. In fact, someone at work someone told me that the other day because they saw me eating yogurt and salad for a few weeks. What she didn’t know is that I have a bridesmaids dress to get into in a few months. Because I am a Foodie who loves to eat food that is not always healthy, my “fupa” is still here.
Yes, there are times here and there when I will eat healthier food like yogurt or salad, that get boring. I love to eat Soul Food, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Seafood, etc… If it tastes good, looks good, and smells good; I will eat it.
Is there anything I don’t like?
Even though I eat all of this great food, there are some items that I prefer not to eat or haven’t gotten up the courage to try. I have no desire to try chitterlings, ever. At a Family Reunion, I almost tried crawfish, but I couldn’t put it on my plate. Seeing the eyes, turned me off. I put a mussel on my plate at the reunion, but I couldn’t eat it. It just didn’t look appetizing to me. The only way that I can eat a lamb chop is with a whole bunch of barbeque sauce, but I do not like the way it tastes. So, no more lamb chops for me.
How did I find out about Keto?
Since I am in a wedding in a few months, I have need to change my eating habits now. No, I do not workout all the time. My workouts go about the same as me eating healthy food does. I do it for a few days or a few weeks at a time. Since I love to eat food, I started looking to change the food I eat and still keep the variety.
I heard about keto from friends on social media. They were posting about how good the food tasted and how it helped them lose weight. So, I decided to look into it. During my research, I came across the Custom Keto Diet Plan. This diet plan gives you a variety of keto meal options, multiple recipes, tips, benefits and customizes a diet plan for you and your body. I was intrigued and excited to find out more about keto and also to taste the food.
To find out more on the reasons why I chose a keto diet, check some of the benefits of a keto diet here.
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Great content! Keep up the good work!
Thank you!